The TCA previews its stunning home tour, giving us a peak at the high-life in a high-rise


The home at 3701 Turtle Creek North,  top left, was designed by Jason Rand; Neal Stewart designed the space in the Vendome, top right and below right; Christopher Ridolfi designed — and lives in — the home at 3525 Turtle Creek Blvd., bottom left; Lionel Morrison was the architect responsible for the space at 4430 Abbot Ave. middle. / Photos by Shoot2Sell


By Arnold Wayne Jones

Y ou may think you know what life is like on The Creek, but you’ll never get a better chance to see it than you will this weekend.

We don’t mean Dawson’s Creek (though how cool would that be?), but Dallas’ own Turtle Creek, one of the swankiest neighborhoods in North Texas. Every year, residents of the area open the doors to their homes as a fundraiser for the Turtle Creek Association, a nonprofit organization tasked with stewardship of the greenspace corridor that runs from Fitzhugh to Maple avenues along the creek.

On April 27, an assortment of homeowners give you a peak into their tasteful and taste-making showplaces — and this preview is just a smattering of what you will find in person.

The diversity of styles is stunning, from the modernest of modernism to classicism at its finest to sophisticated Santa Fe, from sundrenched living rooms to spotless kitchens and romantic boudoirs.

Of course, some of these homes weren’t thrown together but carefully planned out by designers like Jason Rand with Mitchell Gold+Bob Williams. And famed architect Lionel  Morrison (who designed One Arts Plaza) worked on one property as well.

Shuttle service is provided and will run every five to 10 minutes from each stop on the tour.

Turtle Creek Association Home Tour, April 27, 1–5 p.m. Tickets are $60 ($50 for TCA members) and can be picked up at the TCA offices, Park Creek Place, 3625 Hall St., or at any home on the tour. After-party, 6–8 p.m. $125. Parking at Park Creek Place garage.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition April 25, 2014.