
Dr. Gary Kindley

Gray Pride, Resource Center Dallas’ program for people over 50 that was the subject of our cover story last week, holds its first event this Friday.

Gray Pride Café kicks off with Dr. Gary Kindley, author of Growing Older Without Fear, who speaks at 6 p.m. He is a licensed professional counselor, pastor, spiritual director and conflict mediator.

People are invited to stop by from 4–6 p.m.

Gray Pride Café will take place every first and third Friday of the month. The first Friday will be educational in nature and the third Friday will be social and entertainment.

Beginning April 14, Gray Pride hosts Sunday Matinees from 3–7 p.m. The movies will be LGBT-themed, and coffee, cake and conversation will follow the movie.

Gray Pride expands RCD’s educational and support services to include health and wellness activities, enrichment classes, monthly meals and social networking, support groups, special events, and women’s-only and men’s-only activities.

The first programs are designed for interaction because isolation and loneliness are serious problems among LGBT seniors.

Anyone interested in volunteering or participating in any of these activities may contact Gray Pride program director Shelley Hamilton at or 214-540-4418.