Gov. Rick Perry

Texas Gov. Rick Perry has scheduled his first visit to New Hampshire, the first presidential primary state. And guess what? Perry is headed there to headline the annual dinner of an anti-gay group, Cornerstone Action, which has actively sought to repeal the state’s same-sex marriage law. USA Today reports:

It’s the first New Hampshire event on Perry’s schedule since the governor said he would think about making a White House bid next year. Dave Carney, a longtime aide to Perry, said the governor could make a decision within weeks.

Kevin Smith, executive director of Cornerstone Action, told WMUR-TV that Perry “has been a model of both fiscal and social conservative leadership for the rest of the nation.”

Perry was a hit last weekend at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, where he touched on issues such as abortion.

“It saddens me when sometimes my fellow Republicans duck and cover in the face of pressure from the left,” he said. “Our party cannot be all things to all people.”

Unlike the American Family Association, which is funding Perry’s Day of Prayer in August, Cornerstone Action isn’t listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center — at least not yet. However, Cornerstone is affiliated with at least one national organization that is considered a hate group by the SPLC — the Family Research Council. From Right Wing Watch:

Cornerstone is an ultraconservative organization that flaunts its close relationship with national groups like the Alliance Defense Fund, the Family Research Council, CitizenLink, and the National Organization for Marriage. In fact, Cornerstone worked with NOM to run ads attacking the governor for signing the state’s marriage equality law and is collaborating with NOM and the FRC to repeal the law. Good As You notes that Cornerstone also endorses the discredited “ex-gay” therapy groups such as Exodus International, Love Won Out, PFOX, and the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH). In addition, Cornerstone is a top sponsor of the Creationist movie “The Genesis Code.”

Read more about Cornerstone’s promotion of “ex-gay” therapy programs here.