Today, we received an actual letter from Goss-Michael Foundation executive director, Joyce Goss. Not an e-mail or Facebook notice or even a press release — an honest to goodness letter. It was nice.

In it, she announces that as of April 30, the GMF will be moving out of their current spot at 2500 Cedar Springs Road and for the rest of the summer, they’ll be moving over to the Design District into bigger digs at 1405 Turtle Creek Blvd. The new location will be a 12,000 square-foot space with plans to open their doors again in the fall.
“The coming year promises to hold many challenges as well as opportunities for the Goss-Michael Foundation, and we look forward to your continued involvement as we work to realize the full potential of this unique Foundation and its educational art programs,” she says in the games mobiкак разместить объявление в интернете