Submitted without comment because I know you all will have plenty to say about some of these outlandish picks. 

GOProud’s 2010 Endorsements and Recommendations


Jimmy LaSalvia, Executive Director – “We urge our members and allies to vote to bring conservative leadership to Washington, D.C.”


(Washington, D.C.) – Today, GOProud, the only national organization representing gay conservatives and their allies, released their complete list of House and Senate endorsements, as well as Senate recommendations.  “We urge our members and allies to vote to bring conservative leadership to Washington, D.C.,” said Jimmy LaSalvia, Executive Director of GOProud.  “The men and women that GOProud is endorsing and recommending will help bring common-sense conservative solutions to the challenges facing gay Americans and the country as a whole.”


“There can be no freedom for gay and lesbian individuals and our families without economic freedom,” said Christopher R. Barron, Chairman of the GOProud Board.  “Under the leadership of liberals in Washington, gay Americans – like all Americans – have suffered.  While the Democrats talk a good game when it comes to gay issues, their record speaks for itself.  On jobs and the economy, on taxes, on retirement security, and on healthcare the Democrats reign in Washington has been an absolute disaster for gay people.  If you are a gay person, or if you know someone who is gay or lesbian, I implore you to vote out Democrats tomorrow.”


In support of its endorsed candidates, GOProud has been airing a 30 second ad entitled “The Real Democrats of Washington, D.C.” (the ad can be seen here  “GOProud is incredibly proud of the work we have done on behalf of our endorsed candidates,” continued LaSalvia. 


The full list of GOProud endorsees:


For U.S. Senate – Carly Fiorina (R-CA) and Mark Kirk (R-IL)

For U.S. House – Sean Bielat (R-MA4), Richard Hanna (R-NY24), Mary Bono Mack (R-CA45), Charles Djou (R-HI1), and Dr. Joe Heck (R-NV3).


In addition to its list of endorsed candidates, today, GOProud unveiled its list of recommended candidates for the U.S. Senate.  This list, while by no means exhaustive, represents races where GOProud is strongly encouraging its members and allies to support these men and women.


The full list of GOProud recommendations for U.S. Senate:


Linda McMahon (R-CT), Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Ron Johnson (R-WI), Dino Rossi (R-WA) and Dr. Tom Coburn (R-OK)


“GOProud looks forward to working with a new conservative controlled House and Senate to pass tax reform, social security reform, healthcare reform and other important reforms that will improve the lives of all Americans – but especially gay and lesbian Americans,” concluded LaSalvia.


OK, just one non-LGBT comment – how can GOProud tout with a straight face

Womb Controller

 Tom Coburn as standing for the personal freedom that these conservatives attempt to sell to voters?


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