GOProud-11GOProud has given CPAC more press than it’s ever had. And our gay conservative friends might want to enjoy it while they can:

The new chair of the American Conservative Union, Al Cardenas, today distanced his organization from GOProud, telling FrumForum in an exclusive interview that “it’s going to be difficult to continue the relationship” with the gay conservative organization.

Cardenas, who was selected yesterday to replace outgoing chairman David Keene, told FrumForum that he disapproved of GOProud’s response to the furor.

“I have been disappointed with their website and their quotes in the media, taunting organizations that are respected in our movement and part of our movement, and that’s not acceptable. And that puts them in a difficult light in terms of how I view things,” said Cardenas.

Asked if someone who supported gay marriage could be a conservative, Cardenas replied, “Not a Ronald Reagan conservative… I will say this: we adopted a resolution unanimously at ACU advocating traditional marriage between a man and a woman, so that answers how we feel on the issue.”

New CPAC Head Distances Group from GOProud [FrumForum]

It’s like when my parents decided to come home early from vacation before I’d had the chance to clean the beer cans that I may or may not have underaged-ly consumed at a house party I may or may not have had their blessing to throw. My defense went all like, “But people had fun and some even expanded their minds.” But ma and pa were all like, “No, doesn’t matter — these aren’t our values.” So then I was all kinds of, “But I was fiscally responsible, was really good on defending our homeland security, and told that uninsured kid down the street that healthcare isn’t a right.” But they were still like, “We run this Grand Old house and you will follow the morals, values, and rules as prescribed by our platform, or we’ll ship you off to the other side of the isle!

So I guess what I’m saying is that GOProud is basically teen me. Except, of course: I supported the independent judiciary’s role in civil rights, even then.


(Pic: Amanda Terkel)


*SEE ALSO: Chris Geidner’s Metro Weekly cover story with the media quotes in question.

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