Rep. Mary Gonzalez

On Valentines Day, state Rep. Mary Gonzalez, D-El Paso, filed HB1547 a bill to expand sex education in the state of Texas. Currently, all sex education is abstinence-based. Her bill would require evidence-based, age-appropriate information on birth control be taught.
“We say we don’t want abortion, but we’re also not providing sex education that will limit teen pregnancy,” Gonzalez told KVUE in Austin.
Texas regularly is in the top five states for teen pregnancy and six out of 10 high school seniors admit to having sex. Abstinence-only sex education that includes teaching teens that condoms don’t work isn’t preventing teen pregnancy. Gonzalez bill would require accurate teaching of birth control.
State Rep. Eric Johnson, D-Dallas, filed HB1855 to protect immigrant communities by prohibiting Texas law enforcement officers from asking witnesses or crime victims about their immigration status. Data shows that immigrant communities underreport crime because they fear being questioned about their immigration status. Underreporting makes immigrant populations especially vulnerable, as they are often targeted by criminals.
“The well-being and safety of our communities should be the first priority of Texas’ public safety agenda. All too often immigrants fear that their 9-1-1 call will result in them being separated from their families.” Johnson said. “There is a clear need for consistent policies regarding this issue — policies that put public safety first.”