Former U.S. Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt is so very unhappy about yesterday’s Senate vote to repeal DADT. Via Christian Newswire:

“Homosexual sin will always be a stench in the nostrils of Almighty God, an abomination which God condemns and shall punish with everlasting destruction. Even if the Senate had voted 100 to 0 to legalize sin, they could not remove God from His throne of Judgment, before which every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

“I hereby call upon the new Congress to never certify that the military is ready to implement repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, and instead pass strong laws protecting the rights of Christian troops (especially chaplains) to openly speak their opinions about what the Bible calls sin, to refuse common showers, sleeping quarters and ‘social re-education’ without repercussion, guaranteeing religious freedom even outside of chapel services. If free speech and free religion rights of Christian chaplains and troops are not protected, then the military is not ready to certify or implement repeal, and will quickly begin to persecute good people of Christian conscience.

Klingenschmitt claims to have a network of “125,000 patriot pastors” who will heed his call to deluge the next Congress to block the implementation of the repeal of DADT.

RELATED: Klingenschmitt was dishonorably discharged from the military after a 2006 court martial because he attended a political protest outside the White House in his uniform. Since then numerous news outlets have noted Klingenschmitt’s lying press releases which say he was ejected for “praying in Jesus’ name.” Klingenschmitt has also issued “imprecatory prayers” calling for God to kill the leaders of the Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

Joe. My. God.