Rep. Jessica Farrar

State Rep. Jessica Farrar, D-Houston

After reading the long list of Republican state legislators who signed a letter calling for the Boys Scouts to keep their gay ban, it’s sure nice to see at least one Texas lawmaker taking a public stand on the right side of history. Now, won’t a few others please hurry up and join her? Here’s Rep. Jessica Farrar’s full statement:

Rep. Farrar to Boy Scouts of America: Lift Ban, Promote Inclusion

AUSTIN, TX — In support of all Texans, Representative Jessica Farrar urges the Boy Scouts of America to adopt a national policy of full inclusivity and non-discrimination without further delay. As a Girl Scout, Representative Farrar believes that scouting and similar youth organizations that play a crucial role in establishing common community values should be open to all individuals.

Representative Farrar said, “Gay youth have been excluded by the Boy Scouts for too long. Socially ostracizing anyone is immoral; causing mental anguish to potentially emotionally vulnerable youth is unconscionable.” She continued, “Inclusion has long been considered a hallmark of the American experience. The Boy Scouts should embrace this value, too. Local control is not enough; inclusion should be an organization-wide policy.”

While Representative Farrar regrets that the Boy Scouts of America did not make a decision today, she understands that some people need more time to contemplate this issue. However, she urges the Boy Scouts of America to stand with young American men and women by promoting full diversity and inclusion among its membership.

The Boy Scouts of America have the chance to stop building walls and start building bridges. They have the opportunity to promote equality, teach tolerance, embrace diversity, and implement policies of inclusivity that will benefit the state and the nation.

The Boy Scouts of America is an otherwise honorable organization that is responsible for broadening the views of youth while educating them to have an ethical role in their communities. As the Boy Scouts look to their future, they have a chance to chart a new course. Representative Farrar stands hopeful that this course will begin with an official, fully inclusive non-discrimination policy that embraces the values all scouts hold dear.