A gay student at UMass Dartmouth parked his car on campus Saturday afternoon, only to return to it later painted with anti-gay slurs. "We’ve never experienced anything like this before,’’ says a university spokesman. “This is a very isolated incident." Police investigating the incident agree. Chancellor Jean F. MacCormack sent an email to students alerting them to the incident, described as "a crime against an individual but also an affront to the very essence of our community," and reminding them there resources available for anyone who feels bullied or harassed. "As members of a community that highly value every person, we must join together to condemn this cowardly act,’’ MacCormack says. “We must join in support of this student and all members of our GLBT community who — like all of us — seek to be treated with respect and dignity as they pursue their dreams and aspirations here." To see such an immediate reaction from UMass Dartmouth brass is encouraging, especially in the Clementi Era.


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