Danael Broussard and his son Samuel, 7, lost all of their possessions in a fire on Holland Avenue on July 12. They escaped uninjured, but with only the clothes they were wearing, his phone and car. Their condo is one of the ones that was destroyed.

Fellow gay dad Cooper Smith Koch wrote in an email to Dallas Voice, “They really need our help to rebuild their lives.” Broussard was renting the condo and had no insurance, according to Smith Koch.

Toys, clothing and housewares can be dropped off at the children’s store Layette, 4214 Oak Lawn Ave. (in the Shops of Highland Park at the corner of Wycliff Avenue) or Larry North Fitness, 6025 Royal Lane, Suite 120 (on the northeast corner of Preston Road).

Dianna Miller, a friend of Broussard’s who works at Layette, said the outpouring of help has been amazing. She said that housewares were particularly needed — dishes, glasses, silverware.

Broussard has found a new place to live, and he and Samuel will be moving in over the weekend. Since the fire, they have been staying with friends.

Miller said, “He’s one of those people who, if he saw someone at the side of the road, he’d stop to help them.” She said she hoped people would help him and Samuel after this disaster.