Miami has one. New York has one. So do Chicago and San Francisco. Even St. Louis. But Dallas will get its first LGBT-centered run this year. Community group Dallas Frontrunners have announced their inaugural Dallas Pride Run set for Sept. 16 as part of the festivities for the Pride parade weekend.

“There’s never been a Pride run in Dallas’ history so I’m quite proud of it,” Lin Wang said.

The 5K race will be set early in the morn so as not to interfere with people’s parade plans for later that afternoon, but also to hopefully sidestep the summer heat a bit. While organization is still under way to finalize specifics, the race is set to begin at Reverchon Park and via the Katy Trail toward the the Blackburn bridge and back. Dog owners can get in on the action as well with the Paws Pride Parade 1k walk which will head opposite of the run. Frontrunners has also secured the parking garage across the street for registrants.

Wang feels the run will add a different element to Pride festivities and maybe even attract a broader crowd of athletes to the mix. He’s even sent invitations to Frontrunner groups in other cities to participate.

“We’re expecting 300 to 500 people. By comparison, Los Angeles has had more than 400 participants the last three years,” he added.

While Frontrunners still irons out all the details (such as registration fees, t-shirts and logos) and populates its new website, they are putting out the call for volunteers. Wang says he thinks right now, they could use up to 30 volunteers. They are needed to man water stations, man the food station and work the registration and package pickup stations. Those interested in helping can sign up on the site.

The group has been working closely with AIDS Interfaith Network’s Travis Gasper as the event is set to benefit the organization.

“When FrontRunners approached us earlier this year we were excited for this opportunity. Dallas has two walks and a great cycling event to raise awareness of and funds for AIDS. Other big cities have runs around their pride events, so we thought, why not Dallas? We have an active running community, and look forward to recruiting runners from Dallas and the region for our inaugural Dallas Pride Run,” Gasper said. “Earlier this month we found out HIV infection rates rose in Dallas County for the first time in five years. Funds raised from the Dallas Pride Run will help prevent the spread of HIV in our community. Now is the time to refocus our community on prevention, and get some exercise doing it, which is something we can all be proud of!”