limited_partnershipIn 1975, a gay couple in Colorado applied for a marriage license so that one of the partners could obtain a green card and remain in the U.S. with his husband. The county clerk issued the license because nothing in the Colorado constitution prohibited it.
The U.S. government refused to recognize a marriage. The rejection read, “You have failed to establish that a bona fide marital relationship can exist between two faggots.”
Limited Partnership documents the powerful story of Richard Adams and Tony Sullivan. Adams died in 2012, two years before Colorado became a marriage equality state.
If you would like to attend a free screening on Monday, June 8 at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6:30 p.m.) at Studio Movie Grill, Royal Lane and Central Expressway, RSVP here.
The film will be followed by a brief Q&A with — oh, well looky there — me — David Taffet: Dallas Voice senior (as in old) staff writer and host of Lambda Weekly — and Gary G. Kindley D.Min., LPC, CSAT and Erin Wysong, M.S., LPC, CSAT. The film looks interesting and I hadn’t heard about this story before, so I’m looking forward to the screening. I’m sure we’ll have a nice discussion after the film and I promise to be on my best behavior.