According to Focus on the Family’s own reportage, the “pro-family” mega-group has delivered 45,000+ petitions to House Speaker John Boehner, calling on the 112th Congress to, among other things:

4.) Defend the free exercise of religion and speech by rejecting the proposed Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) and repealing the Hate Crimes bill passed in 2009.

5.) Support the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and demand that the Obama Administration uphold and defend DOMA.

6.) Reinstate the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and underlying federal law that affirms homosexuality is incompatible with military service

Good News: Speaker Boehner Hears from 45,000 Family Advocates [FOtF]

Such principled focus they have.

But honestly? 45k sounds pretty darn low, considering how established, financed, and conserva-nnected FoTF is. We’d think by now, their bat signal would be finely tuned enough to drum up half a mil pieces of misplaced scapegoating, if they really wanted. So perhaps this is actually progress?

Good As You