Equality Texas 594x144Equality Texas today issued a statement calling on the Texas State Board of Education to revise the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills standards to more accurately reflect the diversity of the Lone Star State’s population by including information on LGBT people.
The statement, whose title accused “radical revisionists” of “highjacking our students’ education,” said Equality Texas has submitted “more than a dozen comments and suggested revisions” to the state board that would “help foster a healthier development for all Texas youth.”
The statement said Equality Texas representatives will be attending the May 19 meeting of the SBOE to advocate for the suggested revisions. The meeting begins at 9 a.m. in the William B. Travis Building in Austin.
“Even though nearly three out of four adults in the United States personally know or work with a gay or transgender person, the standards treat LGBT people as non-existent,” the statement said.
Among the suggested revisions proposed by Equality Texas are:
• foster healthy lives for our kids with an accurate discussion of gender and sexual orientation/identity under the psychology and/or sociology sections;
• discuss non-traditional families (blended, families led by same-sex couples and single parents) under the sociology section;
•include past and current human rights struggle of LGBT people under the United States History Studies section.
For more information, contact Equality Texas.сайтпродвижение сайта за рубежом