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Equality Florida, a statewide civil rights organization for Florida’s LGBT community, on Sunday, June 12, set up a GoFundMe page to collect donations to support the victims of the shooting at Pulse nightclub in Florida.
There were 49 people murdered in the nightclub and another 53, at least, injured. The gunman was killed by police, bringing the death toll to 50.
The goal for the fundraising effort is $2.5 million. As of 2 p.m. Monday, June 13, the effort had already collected $2,094,435.
Equality Florida is working with the National Center for Victims of Crime, which deployed funds in both the Chattanooga and Aurora shootings, to distribute the contributions collected through the GoFundMe page. NCVC offers support to communities affected by mass casualty events in the form of the National Compassion Fund, and ensure that every penny donated will be correctly and quickly dispersed to the victims and families.
Victims of the Orlando shooting are asked to call VictimConnect Resource Center at 855-4-VICTIM (855-484-2846) to begin the process of receiving funds.