Richard Guy might look like a modern-day Viking, but he’s really just a homebody

MARK STOKES  | Illustrator

What a Guy!

Name and age: Richard Guy, 47

Spotted at: Lee Park

Was a man, was a big man: A third generation Texan from Austrian stock, Richard stands an impressive 6 feet 4 inches of furry, pierced muscle. Originally from Amarillo, he has resided in Dallas for 28 years.

An animal loving Capricorn, Richard shares his life with a newly-adopted border collie, Romo, and a tortoise-shell cat named Maggie. A natural homebody, this engineering-minded man spends his time at home remodeling (he’s building an amazing addition on his house), and is equipped with electrical and plumbing skills. Richard’s hobbies include working out (really? We’d never have guessed), attending sports events (he’s a huge Cowboys, Stars and Rangers fan), and downloading all genres of music.

His favorite quote comes from his grandmother: “It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.”

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition October 15, 2010.