From Media Matters:

In an interview this evening on CNN’s Larry King Live, Dr. Laura Schlessinger announced that when her radio contract expires at the end of the year, she will not seek to renew it. Schlessinger said that she was ending her show in order to “regain my First Amendment rights.” According to Schlessinger, in the wake of her racial screed last week, highlighted by Media Matters, “my First Amendment rights have been usurped by angry, hateful groups.”

On August 10, Schlessinger launched into a racially charged rant, during which Schlessinger — in herown words — “articulated the ‘n’ word all the way out — more than one time.” Schlessinger also told an African-American caller that she had a “chip on [her] shoulder,” and suggested that “If you’re that hypersensitive about color and don’t have a sense of humor, don’t marry out of your race.” The next day, Schlessinger apologized.

On August 12, Media Matters posted full audio and transcript of Schlessinger’s rant, which had apparently been expunged from her website. We also documented her history of incendiary remarks. Schlessinger became the subject of a firestorm of media coverage. She responded by slammingthe media that “rebroadcast” her rant.