Unlike the Human Rights Campaign's Visa card, carrying around the Diversity Platinum card isn't an invitation to rack up debt. That's because it's not even a credit card, but rather a "rewards card" where, for /year ( of which goes toward a charity like the Trevor Project), you can get a "membership to GLAAD, an email newsletter, and oh yeah, some discounts at hotels like Klmpton and retailers like Macy's. Who's behind this thing? Steve Harris, the editor of A Bear's Life magazine, who says he wanted "to think what would support the community, what could we do to support the charities and organizations that were feeling the brunt of the economic downturn. We wanted to reach out to the entire gay community. I created it as a platinum card because I feel that we have moved forward from rainbow cards and rainbow colors. I really wanted to create something that people would be proud of to take out of their wallet and show that they were a part of such an important community." Let me carry it in an iPhone app, and I'll consider.

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