As I reported earlier, a Denton County same-sex couple who were denied a marriage license this morning.
Tod King and Casey Cavalier told the Denton Record Chronicle they were denied a marriage license by the county clerk’s office this morning. Visitors were later greeted by this sign:


(Photo credit: Sean Sala)

Throughout the morning County Clerk Juli Luke’s office cited those very sacred marriage license forms distributed by the state. By 2:51 p.m., she had deferred to the following: the state Attorney General Ken Paxton, the county attorney, the Bureau of Vital Statistics…Really she just could’ve said “no, I don’t want to.” But she’d likely be held liable.
In the second to last press release, Luke defiantly stood her ground:

(Photo credit: Sean Sala)

Now Clerk Luke has taken a kinder and gentler tone, per the UNT’s North Texas Daily.
To no surprise, Denton County’s Cavalier and King instead opted to get a license in Dallas County.