In our view, a gay news story doesn’t officially become a big gay news story until the fundies get their panties sufficiently in a wad to respond. And by this standard, the Skype wedding of gay Dallas couple Mark Reed-Walkup and Dante Walkup is now officially big gay news. The right-wing website WorldNetDaily posted an article Tuesday in which it dismissed the couple’s wedding as a “stunt.” But here’s our favorite part:

A leading traditionalist Anglican layman, Tim Udd, a vestryman from Christ the King Anglican Church in Evanston, Ill., told WND homosexuals who try to marry are rejecting their human nature, and returning to the pagan values of the pre-Christian era.

“There is an element in the modern/postmodern psyche that seeks to refute/refuse the nature of things. G.K. Chesterton [a leading late 19th/early 20th Century Christian writer, 1874-1936] presciently notes that it is common to the worship of demons so prevalent in the ancient religions,” Udd said.

Udd added that “male and female together” is what the Bible means when it says that mankind is created in the “image of God.” A homosexual marriage, by contrast, is “expression of the essentially demonic will to power,” Udd said.