
State Sen.-elect Konni Burton

I want you to follow me on Twitter (@james4texas). So today is the first in an occasional series where we, together, will brave the land of Twits.
1) North Korea strikes back
This morning (Jan. 12), the U.S. Central Command’s Twitter and YouTube accounts were hacked. The alleged ISIS supporters posted personal information about current and former employees and internal documents about potential nuclear sites in China and North Korea.
Naturally, North Korea had to chime in:

While 97% of the United States may have lost its infrastructure, I’m happy to say the Dallas Voice did not even lose 1% of its Internet infrastructure. I guess they care enough about the Revolutionary Gay Agenda to exclude the Voice’s servers.
Note: The DPRK News Service Twitter account is a parody.
2) Banished to Burton’s dungeon
I am sad to report I am still banned from State Sen.-elect Konni Burton’s Twitter account. Not even my open letter changed her mind. I could remain sad, heartbroken even, that she blocked me, a mere reporter at a small LGBT weekly. But how could I forget? She’s just being consistent.
Before she was elected to the Senate, Burton publicly opposed requiring 501(c)4 social welfare groups to reveal their donors. Just like her co-signatories, her campaign benefitted from the activities of social welfare groups, namely Empower Texans, the hard right thorn in the side of the state’s Republican establishment, who may also be breaking the law.
Essentially she was protecting her donors. By opposing transparency, she’s shielding herself from criticism from the media or the general public, just like on Twitter.
Unfortunately Burton’s Twitter account, unlike the North Korean one, is not a parody.