Screen shot 2015-03-02 at 9.57.58 AMI awoke this morning to horrible news: another right-wing Dunndee Texas legislator blocked me on Twitter. Naturally, I’ve drafted a statement in reply to this outrageous act:
Rep. Tony Tinderholt, what in the sam hell did I do to you?
I mean, okay, yeah, I wrote last week about the dumb judicial complaint you filed. And I may have tweeted you serve one God, and his name is Tim Dunn. But geez, it’s not like a wrote a whole damned investigative report on you. (Speaking of, if you see Sen. Burton, tell her I say hi!)
Since I can’t get in touch with you, I’ll ask my readers to intervene for me and ask why I’ve been blocked. Would you prefer they tweet you? Or would you prefer they write on your Facebook page? Then again, you may have blocked them by now on social media, so here, I’ll just give them your Capitol office’s number: 512-463-0624.
Until I get an answer, I can’t wait to go to your district office’s opening in Arlington!
<3, JMR