SMU’s Perkins School of Theology and the SMU Office of the Chaplain and Religious life will host A Midday Service of Lament and Prayer in Response to the Tragedy in Orlando, at noon Wednesday, June 15, in Perkins Chapel, 5901 Bishop Blvd.
Dr. Mark Stamm, professor of Worship at Perkins, and SMU Chaplain Steven Rankin will lead the service, which is free and open to the public.
Restland Funeral Home will host an Interfaith Hour of Prayer on Thursday, June 16, beginning at 7 p.m., to give those grieving over the Sunday morning shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando an opportunity to pray for the victims and their families.
Those of all faiths are invited to come light a candle and say a prayer for the victims and their families. There will be a guest register available for attendees to sign, and that book will be sent to Orlando to be shared with the survivors and the families of all the victims.
The service will be held at Restland Memorial Chapel, 130005 Greenville Ave. For information call 972-238-7111.
Also on Thursday, TAG (Tyler Area Gays, East Texas PFLAG, Pineywoods Voice/Tyler Transgender Support Group, East Texas Islamic Society and Life Covenant Church will join forces to hold a peaceful event, pledging non-violence, to remember and honor the Orlando victims. The event begins at 6:30 p.m. at Bergfeld Park in Tyler.
The groups “welcome all to stand in a united front against hate, intolerance and senseless violence here and across all borders.” The event will include the reading of the names of all 49 people killed in the attack, following by a moment of silence.