The P.R. department of the Dallas Opera reached out to me with a request from Stephen Lawless, the gay director of their upcoming production of Anna Bolena. Seems as if he wants two male deer to lock antlers and battle each other in the forest. But the zoo is not accommodating him. So here’s the request as pitched to me:

“two well-defined muscular men of impressive size to be two stags with antlers wrestling onstage shirtless and barefoot.”

I have to say, I’m intrigued. 

Naturally, as I will be reviewing the show, I had to decline. But I know our readers include dozens of men who fit the bill, and some must wanna get up on the Winspear and preen a little. Especially anyone who didn’t get into Equus earlier this year.

If you’re interested, e-mail And e-mail me, You know, just because.