Dallas County Republican Party Chairman Rodney Anderson and Dallas County Democratic Chairwoman Carol Donovan issued a joint statement ahead of Election Day. The statement calls for patience and trust in the process, as well as remembering to be kind to one another.

The statement was issued as a result of threats of violence if the election doesn’t swing one way or the other or if election results aren’t available by midnight.

“As we prepare for the cotes to be counted this election season, we need to look no further than the record turnout to know passions are running high,” the joint statement begins.

Writing in what the two county party leaders call “the spirit of bipartisanship,” they ask both Democrats and Republicans to “take a deep breath and stay patient and calm” while all votes are counted. Meanwhile, more than 120,000 votes cast in Harris County are being challenged.

But while the President called for results by midnight on Election Day, the joint statement says, “Remember: a complete and accurate ballot count is more important than a fast ballot count.”

They also remind the public that Texas law allows mail-in ballots to arrive the day after Election Day and military ballots are given even more time. Should the election in Texas be razor-thin, officials won’t call it one way or the other for several days.

The two party leaders end by saying, “Let us all do our part to keep our community strong and together, looking for the common bonds among neighbors, despite our political difference. Dallas will be the better for it.”

— David Taffet