quesaDaily Juice, which opened last summer on Cedar Springs Road in the old Buli space, closed this week. The owners are revamping the format rather than abandoning the space. Two doors down, Quesa is set to open.
According to a sign in the Daily Juice window, the shop will reopen in early February as Winslow’s, “a new restaurant featuring wine, craft cocktails and eats.”
No word on how the space will get its liquor license so quickly. That process takes months or longer.
Quesa, a new Mexican restaurant on the corner of Reagan Street and Cedar Springs Road, is readying to open. That space, empty since Nuvo moved to Oak Lawn Avenue, has had zoning and parking problems to overcome before receiving its building permits.
Restaurants must provide twice as many parking spaces as retail stores and the space was zoned for offices rather than restaurant and retail. When Nuvo opened in the early 1980s, no one in the city cared what the zoning was on Cedar Springs Road, so stores were allowed to open despite the zoning.