The guidance coming out of the Marines/Navy on DADT says clearly that separate-but-equal housing arrangements for gay and straight troops won’t be allowed, then in the next paragraph it says, well, maybe it will be allowed. Read for yourself:


Will the Department of Defense build separate living or bathroom facilities for gay and straight Service members?

No. Building separate facilities would create divisions within units and inappropriately isolate a portion of the force.

FAQ 10

Does a Marine or Sailor have the legal right to refuse to share accommodations and/or facilities with a gay, lesbian or bisexual Service member?

No. Marines and Sailors do not have a legal right to reject (or select) assignment with any other Service member within shared military accommodations and facilities. In addition, Marines and Sailors do not have the legal right to refuse work or duty assignments based on a moral objection to another individual’s sexual orientation.

Mission readiness, unit effectiveness, and good order and discipline, remain the priority. Refusal to comply with lawful orders may result in disciplinary action.

Talking Points

If a Marine or Sailor has a concern with a billeting or work arrangement for any reason, he or she should address those concerns appropriately within their chain of command. Commanders may use discretion in personnel assignments to berthing, housing and other facilities to maintain morale, good order, and discipline based on policies and space available.

Accommodation requests for any reason are considered on a case-by-case basis.

What this says to me, legalese-wise, is that they won’t build separate facilities for gay and straight troops, and you dont have a “legal” right to demand separate billeting, but that doesn’t mean they won’t LET you sleep and shower away from the gay if you ask nicely. It sounds like a very cute and clever way for the Marines/Navy to segregate troops is they deem it necessary.

Which leads one to ask whether troops are permitted segregated quarters, and whether “Commanders may use discretion in personnel assignments to berthing, housing and other facilities to maintain morale, good order, and discipline based on policies and space available” when the service member in question doesn’t like blacks, Latinos or Jews?