The peeps at Caven have booked three live shows all at Station 4 starting this evening. I can’t believe these almost sneaked by me.

Thursday night at the Rose Room, and after the Miss ilume pageant, Jackie Beat brings her wacky and sassy drag music act to town. She may look mean, but she’s fiercely funny. According to Facebook, Beat goes on at midnight.
Karen Noseff joins the ranks of the dance diva wannabes who could end up being the next Lady Gaga. She peforms at midnight Friday at the Rose Room.
Mexican actress and singer Laura Leon kicks off her tour in Dallas at Station 4 next Wednesday. Celebrating 30 years in the business, she starts touring with this being her sole gay club concert. Along with her is DJ Carlitos from San Fran and Sexy Papi Dancers from L.A.
And then there’s Gaga on Thursday and Friday.