Ancho Tequila Martini

Ancho Tequila Martini

Randall Warder, chef/owner of Clark Food & Wine Co. (one of my top tables last year), has come up with a cool idea for a complex world: Random Act of Kindness Happy Hour. The idea goes like this: At some point during Clark’s evening happy hour (weekdays, 3–7 p.m.), a bell will ring reminding patrons to do something nice for someone else — pay them a compliment, hold open the door, call their mom. And it starts at Clark, which will buy a round of happy-hour drinks for the patrons present. That should put everyone in a good mood, and encourage them to pay it forward.
So we figured, we’d start it, because today not only marks the start of the policy but also a new craft cocktail drink menu at Clark, with their take on everything from a shandy to a margarita to two well-suited for summer in Dallas.
Ancho Tequila Martini
2 oz. Pura vida Gold tequila
3/4 oz. lemon juice
1/2 oz. agave syrup
Thyme (pinch, and a sprig)
Ancho powder (pinch)

Prickly Margarita

Making it: Pour all ingredients into a mixing glass except the sprig of thyme. Shake with ice for 10–15 seconds. Strain into a martini glass. Garnish with sprig.
Prickly Margarita
2 oz. Z Blanco tequila
1 oz. prickly pear juice
1 oz. lemon juice
1 ox. lime juice
1/2 oz. agave.
Making it: Mix all the ingredients in a Boston shaker, and pour in a tall glass over ice. Garnish with a wheel of lime.