Clyde ISD adopted a gender neutral dress code on Monday, April 19, after student Trevor Wilkinson was suspended for wearing nail polish.

Clyde is along I-20 just east of Abilene.

On Twitter, Wilkinson wrote, “My high school’s dress code is gender neutral forever oh my goodness.”

In December, Wilkinson wore nail polish to school and was suspended. Female students were allowed nail polish and makeup in school, while male students weren’t.

“I went into my class and immediately my teacher sent me to the office because she said I broke dress code,” he told Good Morning America.

According to Clyde’s policy, students who don’t meet the dress code are given a chance to correct the “problem,” and a student will remain in suspension until the “problem” is corrected. Wilkinson never backed down and it took the school district took four months to correct it’s problem.

— David Taffet