Cathedral of Hope’s Rev. Dawson Taylor is thinking out of the box and out of the church with his new series, “The Gospel According to Glee.” He’ll be taking his sermons to Sue Ellen’s Vixen Lounge tomorrow night at 7:15. The Facebook notice says, “This is going to be a fun and insightful series that examines the premise of the show that ‘Will is determined to do whatever it takes to make Glee great again’ and how that applies to our lives each day.”
Along with tomorrow night’s service, singer Anton Shaw will be there and Voices of Hope will perform music from the show.This could be kind of a blast. Although, please refrain from using the bar.
This notice is timed perfectly with our news editor’s recent Facebook update: John Wright is not very gleeful about Glee starting again. I guess someone needs to get him to the church on time.
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