The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Division of HIV Prevention  and Health Resources and Services Administration’s HIV/AIDS Bureau are hosting joint regional virtual community listening sessions, continuing with HHS Region 6, on Thursday, Sept. 14, from 2-3:30 p.m. central time.

The community listening sessions are intended to provide a venue for discussion and collaboration focused on barriers to and opportunities for improving HIV diagnosis, treatment, prevention and outbreak response, according to a press release from the CDC.

“CDC and HRSA want to partner with community leaders and members to understand and plan for addressing the longstanding inequities that continue to contribute to severe HIV-related disparities and to work together to achieve the goals of the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. initiative,” the press release notes.

This session will focus on activities within HHS Region 6, which is based in Dallas and serves Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico and Oklahoma as well as all of Texas and 68 federally recognized tribal nations. The meeting, however, is open to anyone. There will be subsequent sessions to cover the other regions of the country.

Those who are interested in attending the virtual meeting should register here.

— Tammye Nash