Tim Scott via his campaign website

Republican donors want some questions answered before donating to the campaign of Tim Scott. The problem, according to Axios, is Scott is a, well, dare I say it? A bachelor.

Donating to the campaign of a twice-divorced, adulterous rapist? That’s fine.

But donating to a 57-year-old bachelor? Well, he might be … gay. Even though he says he has a girlfriend.

There have been two bachelor presidents elected: Grover Cleveland and James Buchanan. Cleveland married while in office. Buchanan, on the other hand, dated Vice President Rufus King and Washington insiders referred to him as Aunt Nancy. But that was another time.

Today, evangelical Republicans have a different standard to go by.

A single person hasn’t been elected president in 139 years when Cleveland first ran. Then again, a 91-times indicted, twice-impeached adulterer has never been elected and polls show him continuing to maintain a 40-point lead over his nearest opponent. And his largest base of support is among religious voters.

And as exasperating as it seems, Trump may be a twice-divorced, twice-impeached, adulterous rapist, but at least he isn’t gay.

— David Taffet