From HRC Religion & Faith Program Director Harry Knox:

The internet is buzzing about Catholics for Equality, the new Catholic laypeople’s organization working for equality and justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.  The word is out, though the organization’s new website is not yet fully functional. is up and ready to capture your email address for future communication if you are a Catholic in search of ways to get your voice heard.

Lay Catholics and Catholic families are tired of the bishops and hierarchy dictating a policy of limits on LGBT people’s freedom to marry, freedom to earn a living in supportive workplaces, and even the freedom to be safe on the streets.  In fact, a recent Gallop poll shows 63% of American Catholics support LGBT equality and a survey from Public Religion Research shows 57% of Latino-American Catholics support LGBT equality. C4E has been formed to give a voice to those lay Catholics who love their LGBT neighbors and want to put that love into action.

HRC’s Religion and Faith Program has been proud to support the start-up of Catholics for Equality.  We were privileged to host its organizational meeting in the HRC Equality Forum last May and have provided financial and logistical support to the founders.  We hope we have been an effective catalyst for this organization that will provide a powerful counter to the demeaning and disrespectful language the bishops use to describe LGBT people and our lives.  These lay Catholics know, for instance, that same-sex couples have taken on the responsibilities of marriage and should have the legal status to match our commitments.  If the hierarchy won’t speak out for what is right and fair, these voices from the pews will demand to be heard.  September 14 is the target launch date for the fully-fledged site.  But go sign up now so you’ll be among the first to be reminded of this new way to engage your neighbors.

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