Beware the social media crazies

BABY! When I tell you I am loving this cooler weather, it ain’t no lie. You know you are in Texas when we have days in the low 90s and are excited about the drop in temperature.

C’mon cold front! It makes me so damn excited for our three weeks of fall. With that long stretch of over-100-degrees days, I don’t know why the weathermen and weatherwomen didn’t just take those days off. Showing up every day to say, “It’s hot.” Fucking duh.

Y’all, there are some crazy MF’ers on the social medias, and I honestly need to be more selective about who I engage with. Over the past few years, I have had some interactions with a few folks that have made me want to dig a hole, hide inside and never come out.

I, of course, will not use their names. But part of me wants to put them on blast so badly. But I also don’t want this to be the beginning of a Dateline special. It horrifies me to think of Keith Morrison’s deep-ass voice saying, “That was a message Cassie should have left”….long pause…”unread!”

This first one was a guy I briefly met on the patio at S4. He said, “OMG you’re Cassie Nova! I love you! I tried to be friends with you on Facebook, but you have too many friends already, and it won’t let me friend you.” I told him to send me a message on Messager and I would friend him.

When I first got on Facebook, I accepted every person that sent me a friend request. Now, I go through the birthdays, and if I 100 percent do not know you, I unfriend you on your birthday. That way I can accept friend requests from people I actually know or find interesting.

So, that guy — let’s call him, Lou, which is short for Loony Tunes — sent me a message and says hi and that we just met on the patio. Cool, no problem. I sent him a friend request, and all is good. Until about 5 a.m. Lou starts to message me with, “Hey Gurl. I am so tired.

I gotta be at work at 6 a.m. Ugh!”

Then at 11 a.m.: “Finally lunch. I am starving.”

I do not reply to any of this because I am asleep.

The next night at 1:30 a.m.: So where do you live? I need company! The hubby left and went back [to a different state] to visit family, and I am all alone, and I am freaking out.

Can you come over? Or I can come to you? I don’t have anyone here. Please, I need someone to talk to … please.”

Then he sends me a video of him saying that he is freaking out, that he needs someone to talk to right now and to please call him. In the video he is slurring his speech so much that it is hard to watch. The video ends with him saying he loves me.

These interactions with him convince me that he is the kind of crazy I don’t need in my life.

But it also made me sad that anyone is feeling that way. So I reply, “Dude, you have got to try to relax. I am in the middle of a show…” And as I am about to say that we will talk later, he sends, “Okay, love you hun. Message me tomorrow. Heart emoji. Kissy face emoji.”

I am just staring at my phone like, “What just happened?” Then nothing from him for a few days.

When he starts messaging me again, he just says, “Hey hun. How are you?” I should have left it unread, but I did not. I hit the little thumbs up. He then goes into a whole thing about how he keeps hitting refresh because he is waiting for the big announcement. Curiosity got the better of me, and I finally ask, “Huh?”

Then he chastises me for not knowing what he is talking about, telling me it is “TTD announcement day.” I say I don’t know what that is. He says, “Gurl where have you been?”

And sends me link to a YouTube video of a rollercoaster. He says, it’s the highest coaster in the U.S., and “Gurl they are making the announcement today, and don’t you know CP?”

I was so confused but thought, to each their own. I replied, “Cool, have a good night.” I thought that was a polite way of saying “I’m done engaging with you tonight, but enjoy your thing that I know nothing about.”

He sends back, “Cool good for you. I like fucking rollercoaster okay. It is my passion, my life, my hobby. How dare you downgrade someone over their passion.”

So now I am annoyed, so I ask,. “Serious question, are you drunk or high when you message me? Not reading, just curious.”

Then Lou goes full ham on me and starts rapid firing messages: “Then you can go to hell”

“You egotistical stuck-up bitch.” “You can’t downgrade people because you are a fucking drag queen.” “Serious question, why are you such a bitch?” “It’s called fucking respect!”

I’m thinking that any rational, sober human being would read his comments about the rollercoaster and be just as confused as I was. So I respond with, “Sober up. Reread what you sent, then respond. Have a good night.”

More rapid-fire messages: “Why are all of you Texas fags like this?” “I tell it like it is, not your fake ass Texas bullshit.” “You guys are bullshit here!”

My response was, “Okay bye.” Lou continued with about 12 more messages ranging from,

“I’ve been to your shows, and you are a bully. You only pic on the innocent like me,” to

“I’m not drunk; I just tell the truth.” Plus, a whole barrage of “You Texas fags” and “I just tell it like it is.”

I did not respond and will not respond anymore. It makes me sad that he is so lonely, but we literally met and spoke in real life for all of 45 seconds. Hopefully, his husband wasn’t away long.

I’m not even mad at any of the stuff he said; I have thick skin. I just hope he finds someone that shares his love of rollercoasters and his hate of Texas fags.

That all happened over two months ago. Then, last night at 12:30 a.m., he messaged again: “Love you hun,” with two heart emojis and two kissy face emojis.

I guess that was only one crazy. I have so many more stories of my adventures on the social medias … maybe another time. Tell me about your crazies!

Remember to always love more, bitch less and be fabulous! XOXO, Cassie Nova