From Stephen King to TMZ

Good day everybody. I hope you are having the best freakin’ day ever. If not, start day drinking. If you don’t drink, get you a cupcake.

If you are on a diet or a non-drinker, well then I guess enjoy your bad day.

Y’all, I think I hate Jimmy Fallon. Random thought, but that is what just popped into my head. He is crazy talented in so many ways, but he also annoys me more than I should be annoyed by someone I don’t even know. He’s on the reboot of Password, and he is so good at it. But I still kinda wanna punch him.

I wonder how many people say that about me. I bet a lot.

I also feel I am in a book rut. The past few books that I’ve read and/or listened to, have been meh. The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides was on a bunch of Top 10 lists of books last year, and it sounded interesting: A woman shoots her husband in the face a bunch of times and stops speaking. But it was so predictable and boring that I thought, “How is everyone liking this lame-ass book?! Is there something wrong with me?”

No, everyone else is wrong. I know, I know: Opinions are like assholes, blah, blah, blah.

Then there is Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin. I didn’t hate this book at all; parts of it were really lovely.

But, in the end, it wasn’t very satisfying. If you are a gamer, you might enjoy it more than I did. It is kind of a love triangle between game makers story.

Luckily, Stephen King has a new one coming out soon called Fairy Tale. Y’all know how much I love Mr. King! I love his writing style; I usually really love his books. There have been a few that I did not like, but even those are written so well I always enjoyed the journey.

The last book I read that I loved was Billy Summers by Stephen King. Nothing supernatural — which is rare for him — just good storytelling.

With all of the 100-degree-plus days we have had, I have watched more TV than usual. Well, a little more than usual. I watch a lot of TV. But these fucking horribly hot days keep my ass at home, not wanting to do a single thing that required going outside. I have said it before, and I will say it again: I am a puss when it comes to being hot. Me no likey!

We binged The Sandman on Netflix and absolutely loved it. I am a big fan of the comic/graphic novels and have been so impressed with how beautiful the show looked. I finally got on the Yellowstone band wagon: Good show about horrible people. It is so ridiculous at times, but it’s like driving by a wreck; I just can’t look away.

Then the prequel series, 1883, was amazing. I don’t usually like westerns, but this show was so well done and beautifully acted. It took me a few episodes to get into it, but I am so glad I did. It’s heartbreaking and bleak at times, but I got so emotionally invested in the characters that I was a blubbering mess a few times during those last two episodes.

I watch a ridiculous amount of cooking shows and cooking competition shows for the amount of cooking I actually do. I watch so many cooking shows that you would think I would be ready for Master Chef, but I usually end up making the same meals over and over again.

I need to be more experimental. I have never had real caviar or tasted a real truffle. According to all of the cooking shows, I am really missing out.

I am embarrassed to say that I watch TMZ every day. I can’t help it. I feel like it is part of my job to stay up on current events and celebrity gossip. I gotta know all of the pop culture references so that when I emcee, I can reference some Hollywood bullshit and seem interesting and young.

It is horrible though; I know more about the Kardashians than I know about my own family.

I also watch NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt every day. Hopefully, that balances out the TMZ stuff. I try to stay informed even if staying informed comes at a cost. I end up with a headache from all of the eye rolling I do while I watch the news. Not to mention the depression that hits me from seeing how awful the world is.

Luckily, I have my real shows. Doing shows in the Rose Room, J.R’.s or wherever makes me feel renewed; 95 percent of the time, the people are great, and the feeling of coming together as a group helps me out mentally quite a bit. I love when the entire room laughs at something stupid I said. That is when the world feels less fucked up.

I’m lucky to have that.

I just reread what I wrote, and damn if I don’t sound completely scatter-brained. What are ya gonna do — Somedays I have a story with a beginning, middle and end, and other days I have brain vomit. Get me some mental Pepto!

Remember to always love more, bitch less and be fabulous! XOXO, Cassie Nova