My summer reading list

Hello all. I read a lot of books. At any given time I usually have about three books going on. I have a book at home that I actually read, a bathroom book (usually a graphic novel) and an audio book in the car. I’m not sure what’s wrong with me that I need constant mental stimulation. I guess I use books to dull the loud annoying worry wart of a voice in my head. I also watch way too much television and see way too many movies. I’m not sure if that is right brain or left brain activity, but it needs almost constant stimulation. I have times when I need quiet and relaxation, but even then I’m thinking of my next book or movie.

I like to think that every book, comic, TV show or movie is necessary for my job. It keeps me sharp and ready to engage anyone at any time on pop culture and worldly events. I believe it helps me emcee a show and connect with people, even those much, much younger that myself. I know more about Cardi B than a man my age should, and I’m sad that Offset might be going to jail leaving her alone to care for their baby. I’m worried about Ant-Man and all of those heroes that vanished. I’m excited to see how ridiculous the movie MEG is going to be. The book was a lot of fun and seemed so scientific on how and why the megalodon shark could even exist today. I was like, that is totally plausible, but then the way they kill the shark (spoiler alert) at the end is hilarious and ridiculous, but so much damn fun.

Speaking of books, I get asked a lot…what are you reading? So here is my summer reading or listening list!

FantasticLand by Mike Bockoven, it reminded me of Lord of the Flies but with Millennials. Instead of a shipwreck, it is a hurricane, instead of on island, it is an amusement park. It is told from the point of view of the young adults that survived this over the top story. The book is gory and at times suspenseful, it’s even heartbreaking. I really liked it though. The real takeaway from this book is that I hope we never lose cell phone service. Kids lose their fucking minds. When the folks in this book were forcibly unplugged, they went feral. It would make a great movie.

The Outsider by Stephen King. You know I love Mr. King and this is a great book. An innocent man is charged with the brutal murder and rape of a young boy because they found his fingerprints at the scene and even have eyewitnesses saying they saw him with the boy. It has great character development and really makes you feel for these people. Plus the return of one of my favorites from the Mr. Mercedes/Bill Hodges trilogy, Holly Gibney. She is such an unassuming bad ass. She registers on the autism spectrum and has social anxiety issues, but she is crazy smart and connects clues that no one else can see. It’s a detective story with a King twist. I loved it.

The Cabin at the end of the Woods by Paul Tremblay. Very well written and weird. The story of a gay couple and their young daughter and what happens when a group show up at their secluded cabin by the lake and tell them they have to make some heartbreaking decisions that will save the world or end it. I think the ending is very polarizing. I loved it…I think. It’s been almost a month since I finished the book and I am still thinking about it. It definately stays with you.

The Chalk Man by J.C. Tudor. It was not my favorite. The story starts 1986 when this kid Eddie and his friends use chalk men on the sidewalks to send coded messages to each other. Then one day the chalk men lead the boys to a dead body of a murdered girl. Jump to 2016 and another murder and the return of the chalk men. I found the book a little meh, with an ending that annoyed me.

Kill Creek by Scott Thomas. I am only about half way through this book but so far it is a basic haunted house story that infects the people that have stayed the night inside. I’m excited to see how it plays out but don’t have high hopes.

The audio book of Pet Sematary by Stephen King is greatness. It is narrated by Michael C. Hall from Dexter and Six Feet Under. We all know the horrific story but Hall’s narration brought some newness and a perfect tone to the book. Check it out if audio is your thing.

IT by Stephen King is one of my all-time favorite books. The audio version of the book, not so much. The story, of course is great but the narration by Steven Weber from the TV show Wings and a bunch of other shows is just awful. I like him as an actor okay but he needs to quit doing audio books. When he does the voices for women or girls he sounds laughable and pulls you right out of the story. When he does his scary voice or even worse, his loud screaming voice, I swear it is like nails on a chalkboard. Please Steven, STAAAP IT!

Don’t judge me for listening to audio books. From my door to S4, it is a 30 minute commute. So for at least an hour a day I am driving. Audiobooks keep me from hulking out in traffic and keep my road rage down to a mild annoyance.

My bathroom book, I hope I don’t have to explain that, is usually a gothic novel or compendium of comic books. I don’t do comic books because I need more story than a single comic can provide, but a compendium or omnibus is perfect for me. It is a large collection of comic books stories, usually an entire year’s worth, sometimes three years.

Right now I am into Hack/Slash, the story of a young girl, Cassandra Hack, whose sole purpose in life is to kill slashers and serial killers. She and her sidekick Vlad, a huge ugly monster of a man, travel America and sometimes other dimensions to fight and kill bad guys. It kind of reminds me of Buffy the Vampire Slayer but on steroids. Her storyline has even come across everybody’s favorite smart ass killer doll CHUCKY and The Re-Animator. My weird-o fabulous friend May May Graves got me hooked HACK/SLASH. It’s stupid fun.

Of course I can’t wait for the next Walking Dead collection of comics. Book 15 comes out in October. I love to see how the comic is different than the show. I am a die-hard Walking Dead fan. I’ve seen every episode and read every book at least twice. I know a lot of people lost interest in the show after the brutal death of Glen but to me, still the best show ever on television. That and Game of Thrones. Damn, I am a geek.

Remember to always love more, bitch less and be fabulous! XOXO! Cassie Nova