Timothy O’Hare

Last week we told you how bigoted Farmers Branch Mayor Timothy O’Hare had used his Twitter account to rail against the formation of a Gay Straight Alliance at R.L. Turner High School in Carrollton. We also mentioned that we’d heard rumors that the GSA at R.L. Turner had not been allowed to meet.

But Angela Shelley, a spokeswoman for the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District, told us today that those rumors are completely false. Shelley said the GSA was allowed to form at R.L. Turner and has already met three times. She also said it wasn’t the district’s first GSA; there’s one at Creekview High School.

“By policy and actually by federal law, we can’t keep groups from meeting,” Shelley told Instant Tea. “We do not want to be Flour Bluff ISD [the district in Corpus Christi that recently denied a GSA]. The GSA met all the requirements, they have a great mission and a constitution, and they’re an active group.”

O’Hare, on Twitter, had called on parents and students in the district to do something to stop the GSA, but Shelley said she hasn’t heard of any opposition to the club. In fact, she said three people spoke in favor of allowing the GSA at a school board meeting last week.

O’Hare wants Farmers Branch to secede from the Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD and form its own school district, an issue that voters will decide in the May election. So we’re pretty sure he was just trying to use the GSA as ammo against the Carrollton Farmers-Branch ISD. But apparently it isn’t working, so we guess now he’ll go back to bashing immigrants.