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“One Voice” will be the theme for the 32nd annual Black Tie Dinner, organizers announced Thursday night at a Launch Party at T & P Station in Fort Worth.

After BTD co-chairs Ken Morris and Mitzi Lemons delivered the announcement to a crowd of more than 200, a video was played which chronicled the social progress and political evolution of LGBT Americans over the last 40 years. At times it highlighted the darker side of the struggle, including images of Harvey Milk and Matthew Shepard. However, most of the video was dedicated to strides made under the leadership of people like former Congressman Barney Frank and President Barack Obama, demonstrating how significant it is for the GLBT community to be speaking as one.

“By choosing ‘One Voice’ as our theme this year, we look forward to demonstrating how the GLBT community has evolved,” Lemons said in a statement. “Our movement started with one person who stood up for what they believed was fair.  Since then, we have fought long and hard against injustice, yet today we face new battles involving marriage equality and anti-discrimination.”

“Our dream is for everyone in the GLBT community — along with our allies and corporate and community sponsors — to speak as one voice for equality,” Morris added. “It all starts with One Voice singing in the darkness, followed by another voice, then another until everyone is speaking together in support of the same cause.”

The 32nd annual Black Tie Dinner will be held Saturday, November 2, 2013 at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Dallas. More than 3,000 people attend the dinner, which raises funds for 17 local GLBT-supportive organizations and its national beneficiary, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation.

For more information about the Black Tie Dinner or this year’s event, visit www.blacktie.org or call 972-865-2239.

Watch the Black Tie theme video here. More photos from the Launch Party below.