BJ’s NXS, a gay bar on Fitzhugh Avenue, is closing on Aug. 25 after losing its lease.
Owner Ron Adams said he offered double the rent to stay open through the end of the year but the landlord refused. Another offer to remain open through Pride weekend was also rejected.
Adams told his employees about the closing at a meeting at 5 p.m. today (Wednesday, July 26). He has made arrangements with Throckmorton Mining Company.
“A lot of our staff is going there to keep Trashy Tuesdays alive,” he said.
The property is being sold but plans for it are unclear. Adams said architects have been by and he is not sure whether the building will be renovated and rented or if it will be torn down and replaced.
That space has housed a gay bar for decades and has been known as BJ’s NXS since 2009. The bar will close at 10 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 25.