After being forced by the COVID pandemic to skip two years, and after a scaled-back event last year, No Tie Dinner returns in full force this weekend. Hosts started holding their parties in their homes last weekend, and this weekend everyone gathers at the Frontiers of Flight Museum, 6911 Lemmon Ave., from 7-11 p.m. for the main event. Tickets are $100 and available at This year’s theme is “Hometown Heroes.” (Pictured are No Tie party people from a previous year; photo courtesy of No Tie Dinner)


“Miss Vaaaaaaanjie!” The one and only Vanessa “Vanjie” Mateo will be in town Friday, May 19, to celebrate the 19th anniversary of Havana, 4006 Cedar Springs Road. There will be a meet-and-greet with Vanjie starting at 8:30 p.m., then the show, hosted by Marissa Kage, starts at 10 p.m.