T2 Ave QTheatre 3 has brought back its hit musical Avenue Q — the show with the singing puppets having sex and cursing up a storm — through November, but the best time to see it might be tonight: That’s when the theater is hosting an audience costume party and sing-along. If you’re familiar with the show, you know you’ve always wanted to chime in during “Everyone’s a Little Bit Racist” and express your agreement that the Internet is, in fact, for porn, or discuss that beard Canadian “girlfriend” who lives in Alberta …  no, her name is Alberta, she lives in Vancouver … Anyway, you get the point.

There’ll be a costume contest as well, so superfans should feel free to show up as Lucy the Slut or even the Bad Idea Bears. But it’s not a bad idea to get your freak on. (Furries welcome as well.)

Curtain is at 7:30 p.m. For tickets, click here.