Author: Shawn Weston

Some census facts … and another reminder

The 2010 Census is the 23rd since the nation’s inception. The census has been conducted in the United States every decade since 1790, as required by Article 1, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution. · The 10 questions posed in...

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Vatican compares child abuse scandal to anti-Semitism

The Vatican is saying that accusations against the pope and the Catholic Church in the sex abuse scandal are like the “collective violence” suffered by the Jews. The Associated Press reported that the Pope defended the church...

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Sarah Palin’s coming to town

You better watch out, You better not cry, You better not pout, I’m telling you why … Sarah Palin will be appearing at the Fairmont Hotel on April 30. And Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert will be there with a welcome. The former...

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Houston mayor issues sweeping non-discrimination order

Parker’s directives include protection for transgender community Mayor Annise Parker HOUSTON — Lesbian Mayor Annise Parker has issued an executive order protecting LGBT city employees that is possibly the most comprehensive in...

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Unlikely ally

Bill O’Reilly Donations are pouring in to pay the legal fees for Albert Snyder, including from Fox News talk show host Bill O’Reilly. He said he will pay the entire $16,510 court cost. Snyder sued Fred Phelps for picketing...

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