In his attempt to shoot this site for simply messengering on the Chick-Fil-A sponsorship that his group, of its own accord, listed for an upcoming marriage conference, Pennsylvania Family Institute president Michael Geer said his “Art of Marriage” efforts are simply meant to “strengthen marriage.” According to the Christian Post reporter, he also said people — all people — should applaud such strengthening, and that he holds “disappointment” for online publications that would try to “taint” his group’s efforts.

So okay, let’s look at what Michael Geer’s strength means for legally married gay folks like yours truly. For insight, we will refer you to an 8/5/10 appearance that Geer gave to “The Bob Durgin Show. An appearance where Geer referred to marriage equality as a “tragedy,” connected gays’ unions to incestuous ones, likened the Perry decision to legal missteps like Dred Scott, suggested that bisexuals want the right to simultaneously marry both a man and a woman, and — in a truly odd turn — suggested that Judge Walker “shouted” portions of his opinion. Have a listen:

*SOURCE: Bob Durgin Show, 8/5/10 [WHP 580]


*Oh, and how about we stop with these fact-less claims, Mr. Geer? Because Vaughn Walker did not “shout” what you say he did:

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Although considering the way the “protect marriage” crowd has misrepped his lengthy and insightful ruling, perhaps there’s an alternate, far-right edition of the decision to which we are not privy.

Good As You