If the pastries in question were for a Christian event or holiday, Family Research Council president would be going absolutely apedoodoo about the discrimination and disrespect shown to the 6A00D8341C503453Ef0133Ec815734970B-2customer. And guess what? Tony would be right. Because bakeries really shouldn’t be rejecting benign, uncontroversial, non-hostile business requests simply because of their personal objections. Obviously.

But since it’s benign LGBT imagery being discussed, then Tony will just go right ahead and accuse those who are criticizing and/or simply questioning an Indiana bakery of engaging in “economic terrorism.” Listen in:

(click to play audio clip)

*AUDIO SOURCE: Washington Watch Weekly [FRC]

The reasoning is beyond absurd. Does a pastry chef have to agree with every “Good luck,” “Happy Anniversary,” or “Congratulations on your Merger” that comes to the counter? NO! The luck request might be applied to a Satan worship session, the anniversary might be a 50th year of head lice, and the corporate merger might be between two of the nation’s worst environmental polluters. But unless the message or design or sprinkles are overtly over a line or standard (nudity, objectionable language, threat, libel, white after labor day, etc.), the public business owner has a duty to take the self out of the work. And if they don’t do so and the selfish view is one that casts a sweeping opinion against an entire sect of the local community, then there very well could be repercussions for said owner. Which, again, would not be seen as controversial to most anyone, Tony Perkins included, if the group in question was (just about) any other than the LGBT population!

We all knew that the “pro-fams” were going to try to turn this into another martyr-like situation. Which is annoying, because it’s going to make us hungry for empty carbs every time they do. But honestly, it’s really not so threatening to our cause, considering how thoroughly half-baked their outrage truly is.


*And joining Tony is his recent Values Voters speaker Bryan “homosexuals in the military gave us…six million dead Jews” Fischer,” who accuses the city of Indianapolis of committing a hate crime, and who says of the bakery that ultimately fulfilled the order, The Flying Cupcake: “I could say something about “flying cupcakes” for “flaming cupcakes,” but I won’t.

Stay classy, abject bias!

Good As You