Jeff Mateer

President Donald Trump has nominated Jeff Mateer, who called transgender children “part of Satan’s plan,” to be a district judge on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas in Sherman.
No word on what Mateer thinks of trans adults, but he probably doesn’t have a better opinion of them.
Mateer is first assistant attorney general under Ken Paxton. He’s said same-sex marriage would open the doors to “disgusting” forms of marriage: “There are people who marry themselves,” Mateer said. “Somebody wanted to marry a tree. People marrying their pets.”
Mateer believes separation of church and state is not mentioned in the Constitution. And when someone believes church should be involved in government, they usually mean their church. They’d hate what mine had to say on the subject or how my rabbi would rule.
Mateer comes from Liberty Institute and spent six years fighting equality and defending a person’s right to discriminate.