It never ends.  It just gets worse and worse with these clowns.  Arkansas Republicans in the state legislature have decided to go after a program designed to reduce the spread of STDs like HIV among minorities and the LGBT community, specifically by attacking a state program that promotes condom usage and HIV testing among gay black man.  What's more, they're using some pretty foul gay-baiting tactics to do so.

The charge is a simple one.  The group, a non-profit called “Brothah's and Sistah's Inc.” got k from the state to test out new methods for fighting HIV/AIDS in minority communities.  Specifically, the group set up shop in a gay club geared towards African American gay men, and handed out condoms and did HIV tests.  At issue is whether or not the group handled ,000 of the k it recieved appropriately.  Fair enough.

However, Arkansas Republicans couldn't stop there.  According to sources, three members (more on them later) went beyond this.  One wondered aloud whether or not there were enough gay black men to be concerned about the project…another took the position that people engaged in “risky behavior” (being gay) should just deal with the consequences of their actions.  Republicans are already trying to turn this into a political issue, using gay-baiting language to smear Democrats.  Check the title of a recent blog post by a prominent Arkansas Republican blogger:

State Grant for Distributing Condoms at Gay Bar Stirs Controversy in Committee

All ready, Republican trolls are trying to tie this to state senator Joyce Elliott, a candidate for Congress in Arkansas and an LGBT ally because, get this, she's the state senator of the district where the gay club was located…I shit you not.

Republicans are determined to make an issue of this.  Arkansas progressive activists plan to do the same, but not the way the Republicans are hoping…stay tuned.

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