In Florida, the trial challenging the state’s gay-parenting ban continues. That’s the trial in which attorney general and gubernatorial candidate Bill McCollum paid the self-hating, hooker-hiring George Rekers $120,000 to testify against gay parenting.
Here’s an example of heterosexual parenting that was sent to me today:

These 7-year-old girls are fantastic dancers but their parents dressed them as whores for this dance competition.
This week we ran a couple of stories on gay parenting — one on surrogacy and one on a new website about raising children. And we’ve been following stories of lesbian couples trying to get their children into Catholic schools.
Same-sex couples work hard and spend a lot of money just for the privilege of becoming parents. I don’t know of any that take that opportunity and then turn their little girls into little sluts. Maybe I’m overreacting. What do you think?заполнение сайтов