LGBT Recruiting flyer
Jesse Garcia, president of Dallas’ gay LULAC Council, sends along word that the local U.S. Census office is having a hard time recruiting applicants to test for temporary Census jobs. Elizabeth Lopez Lyon, regional LGBT communities & governmental partnership specialist for the Census, says in an e-mail to Garcia that there are 5,000 temporary Census jobs available in the area, and that the bureau needs to test 13,000 people to fill those jobs. Lopez Lyon goes on to say that one of the specific places where the Census Bureau needs help is between Cedar Springs Road and Harry Hines Boulevard, an area some may already be familiar with. Seriously, though, here’s a list of places to get more information:
Census Jobs:
Census Jobs Information Line: (866) 861-2010
Partner Quick Link Materials:
Facebook: U.S. Census Bureau
Twitter: uscensusbureau
YouTube: “U.S. Census Bureau” Channelrd-teamwordstat гугл